Who is Jesus?

Pastor Slaughter



John 7:40-43

Who is Jesus?


I feel like I am in a feisty mood today. There are certain things that as soon as you say it sparks discussion and debate (to put it lightly) and can lead to some pretty heated arguments! Let’s look at a couple. The thing you drink water from is it a water fountain or a bubbler? Is the carbonated beverage that comes in a can Soda or Pop? (At least we can agree its not soda pop). There are certain fun little things that spark discussion. Those fun little arguments we have with people. But there are other things that spark a heated debate and discussion. If I mentioned something in the realm of politics or covid regulations, I bet there would be a much more heated argument.

Now let me throw this last one at you. It is probably the most controversial one of them all… are you ready for it? Jesus! Who is Jesus? Ok… well maybe here you aren’t going to get into a heated debate about Christ, but when you step out into your mission field that’s a whole new ball game right? For example, what are the two main topic of conversations to avoid at family gathering and at the dinner table? Politics and religion. Why? Because it divides people. Because it creates controversies and arguments and can ruin a good meal.


Who is Jesus? That has been a topic of controversy for quite some time. If you read the entire chapter of John 7 and the end of John 6, you just feel and sense the tension that that question raised. Who is Jesus? Let’s look at some of the context of our lesson for today.

John 6:66, “After this, many of his disciples turned back and were not walking with him anymore.”  John 7:12 “Some were saying, ‘He’s a good man.’ Others were saying, ‘No, he deceives the people.’” Jesus knew the heart and the intent of some of the people and says is 7:19b “Why are you trying to kill me?”  You have a demon! The crowd answered, ‘who is trying to kill you?’”  John 7:30, “So they tired to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come.” John 7:31, “But many in the crowd believed in him and asked, ‘When the Christ comes, he won’t do more miraculous signs than this man, will he?’” The question, “Who is Jesus?” sparked quite a discussion, didn’t it?

Hasn’t this trickled down to today? Who is Jesus? Muslims will say he was a great prophet but certainly not God. Some historians will say that he was a great leader and had many followers but will deny his miracles and say he is just a man. Atheists who have suffered will say “If Jesus is truly God then why didn’t he bring stop all suffering? There are some people who question if Jesus actually existed and there are other Bible skeptics who can’t believe in Jesus because of what he taught.

Doesn’t that sound familiar to our lesson for today? Some of the people said, “This is truly the Prophet.” People who probably misunderstood what was spoken in Deuteronomy 18 and thought the prophet was different from the Messiah. Others say, “Surely the Christ does not come Galilee, does he?” Not recognizing that Jesus was really born in Bethlehem and he did in fact fulfill all God’s prophecies concerning himself. This question, “Who is Jesus?” Really divided the people.

This really shouldn’t surprise us though. Remember last week what Simeon told Mary? He said, “Listen carefully, this child is appointed for the falling and rising of many in Israel and for a sign that is spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” (Luke 2:34-35). People are going to be divided over Jesus. Those who believe and those who reject.

That question, “Who is Jesus?” has impacted all of our lives here today. I am going to give you a few seconds and I want you to come up with the answer to that question, “Who is Jesus?” I am sure came up with a beautiful answer. Maybe some are thinking how he God and man in one person. Maybe some of you are thinking Jesus is the one who died for me or rose for me. Maybe you thought to yourself that Jesus is the one who forgives me. Jesus is the one who assures me eternal life.

Those are all great and wonderful answers. (I mean I did come up with as I was writing this sermon) But how do you know those things? How do you know who Jesus is? How do you know he is the God man? How do you know Jesus died for you? How do you know Jesus forgives you? How do you know Jesus is the one who gives eternal life?


How do you know who Jesus is? You know who he is because has revealed himself to you. It’s that what we celebrate on Christmas? How God has revealed himself to us by becoming one of us? How do we know this? It’s not like we saw Jesus with our own two eyes like Simeon did. We know who Jesus is because he has revealed himself through is Word.

The Word revealed to us who Jesus is fully God and fully man. The word revealed what Jesus came to do…to suffer to die and to rise. The Word revealed what Jesus gives to you and me…forgiveness life and salvation.

That is the same word that Jesus was speaking to people in our lesson. It was during the feast of Shelters also known as feast of Tabernacles. It was a celebration where the people commemorated God’s guidance of Israel in the wilderness. It thousands of Jews to Jerusalem for the celebration. Once there, Jews lived in temporary shelters for a week to reenact the conditions of the wilderness journey, while also enjoying the harvest festival.

The feast was already half over. People were already debating who Jesus was. And so Jesus goes to the temple courts. What does he do? He begins to teach people. And right before our lesson he says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink! As the Scriptures has said, streams of living water will flow from deep within the person who believes in me.” As Jesus revealed himself as the salvation, people had different reactions to that Word.

And that’s where I lesson takes place. Like was said, some thought he was a Prophet, some thought he was the Christ. Some thought Jesus wasn’t the Christ because he didn’t fulfill the prophecy about being born in Bethlehem which he was. And others wanted to kill him and arrest him.

People are going to react differently to that question who is Jesus? I think we can all recognize that. I wish I could give you the exact words to say to someone for a particular situation or argument that someone makes, that you can win them over to Christ. But truth is every situation is different. And truthfully, we shouldn’t expect that. Look at Jesus. The master teacher. He proclaimed the Word and people were divided. We are certainly not greater than Jesus.

So what can we do? Well, we can listen. Hear what people have to say. Try to understand where they are coming from. Look for that point of contact that opportunity to share the gospel. For example, there may be a death in the family. You listen to how they feel. You see to understand it. And then you can say something along the lines of “I am so grateful for my faith in Christ because he assures me of forgiveness and salvation.” They may ask more. They may steer the conversation toward a different direction. Or it can even lead to a confrontation.

So, what are things we shouldn’t do? We shouldn’t let fear of confrontation lead us to not tell people who Jesus is. We shouldn’t let pain that division can bring lead us to not tell people who Jesus is. We shouldn’t let a misspoken word in the past keep us from sharing who Jesus is with people.

Why should we tell people who Jesus is? Because telling people who Jesus is worth it! Think about what it means for you personally that you know who Jesus is? It means your sins forgiven. It means that you have the comfort in the face of death. You have the comfort in knowing Jesus is with you. The list can go on and on. And you can share those blessings with others.


Who is Jesus? He is reveled to us in Word. That word may cause division among friends and family and strangers. But through that Word is the way that Jesus is revealed. It is only through that word we have an answer to that question, “Who is Jesus?” So this new year as Pastor Bentz mention in his New year Eves sermon, God’s word endures forever. So let us study it and learn it and share it and keep on sharing it so that others can learn who Jesus is.

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