• Dec2019

    Gloria in Excelsis

    December 26, 2019

    Text: Luke 2:8-20 What do we do when we have good news? What do we do if we just got engaged or if our team just won the big game? How do we share the message when we got that promotion at work or when our child is born? We...

  • Jesus Reveals God’s Glory

    December 25, 2019

    Text: Hebrews 1:1-9 We could celebrate Christmas on a different day. We don’t have to celebrate on December 25. Now I am not suggesting that we change the day of Christmas. The reason I mention this is because some people will attack Christians and the celebration of Christmas by pointing...

  • Give God Glory for His Peace

    December 24, 2019

    Text: Luke 2:14 Do people take the Christmas Message seriously? What do you think? Is the message of Jesus born in a manger given the reverence it deserves or do people treat it like a children’s story? Is it just a nice sounding story that we dust off every December,...

  • Text: Titus 2:11-14 Christmas is a wonderful time. There are many fond memories. We can remember the holiday traditions that we enjoy with our families. We have thoughts about the presents we have given or received. We may even think about our favorite Christmas carols from worship. Christmas is a...

  • Be Ready to Receive

    December 22, 2019

    Text: Romans 16:25-27 What is your reaction when someone gives you a really nice present? What if you receive something that is very expensive or something that has incredible sentimental value? Usually we react by thinking that we need to give them something that is as equally valuable as what...

  • Simeon’s Song of Salvation

    December 21, 2019

    Text: Luke 2:21-35 In our text, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple 40 days after he was born. On our Calendar, that would be early February. Simeon’s Christmas wasn’t celebrated until well after the normal amount of time for Christmas celebrations in our culture. And yet, Simeon probably...

  • Text: Luke 1:46-55 I love Christmas songs. They have great melodies. The tunes stick in my head. I will actually sing Christmas songs at any time of the year. There are some songs that I like more than others but I have many Christmas songs which are among my favorites....

  • God Fulfills His Promises

    December 19, 2019

    Text: Luke 1:67-79 When people make promises there is usually a part of us that is skeptical. If a politician promises to lower taxes, we have a tough time believing him. Even when we are promised simple things, like an ice cream sundae for doing household chores, we don’t always...

  • Take Delight in Jesus

    December 18, 2019

    Text: Malachi 3:1-4 I love the first snow fall of the winter. There is something special about looking outside and seeing everything covered with that blanket of white. It can be really enjoyable to sit inside by a warm fireplace, with a nice cup of hot chocolate, watching those big...

  • Text: Isaiah 2:1-5 Are you ready? I suppose if I don’t clarify that question a little bit, it could be about almost anything. Maybe I am asking if you are ready for the Christmas season. Did you go out this last Friday and get all the deals so that you...